Inspiration for Life


Art by Josephine Wall

"The Spirit of Flight"-the force responsible for the powers of movement of the wind and air, has gathered around her all the flying things she loves. Birds, insects, flying fish, swirling leaves, seeds of dandelions and sycamore trees, butterflies and fairies all dance around her in a grand array of wild free motion.

   It has been said that "….we can only be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." Are you aware of the treasures you possess? Many times we tend to forget just how important we are to the lives of others and that we have an impact on our world. This is a Universal Truth - all souls are connected. Your treasures lie within you, ready to bring Light to the world. Allowing them to shine uniquely as no one else can will guide you toward healing and recovery. Perhaps you have thought of trying your hand at writing but was too afraid to do so; or, to create a piece of wood furniture but never attempted the task. Taking action of the slightest measure and sharing your talents with others can light your path with praise and self-empowerment.

 Enchanted Wings

   Most of us while children played the game of making shadow figures on the wall. We would sit in a darken room with a bright light focused on the wall and hold our hands in different positions trying to come-up with the best animal shadow-figure. Channeled spiritual entity Emmanuel asks us if we look at the shadows on the wall and believe this to be reality, or are we also aware of how the shadows were created and of the brilliant Light that remains behind them. He instructs us in this poem:

Not only are you the shadow
that is dancing on the wall,
But you are the hand
that makes the shadow,
and you are the

   Whether recovering from childhood trauma, the effects of current world affairs, alcohol/drug abuse, or the loss of a loved-one, we are all supporting one another. The truth that all people are connected has been known for some time and written about by many scholars throughout the world. Keeping this in mind, you can be assured there are millions of others ahead of and following you on this journey to recovery.

When I read Augusten Burroughs's best seller, Dry, which is a candid memoir clip of a life on the bumpy road through alcoholism it touched my heart. His story is one of struggle for sobriety and self-esteem that is shared with honesty and a fascinating touch of humor. One thing Augusten keeps doing along his path that I thoroughly recommend is observing his behavior - being a witness to his own thoughts and actions. This task of "being present" during every day seems easy enough, right? Give it a try, you may find it more difficult than you think! This exercise could lead you to a greater understanding of the fact you have choice in your life and why you make the ones you do, both in your actions and reactions. See what happens, take a chance, risk a change-now is the time to move forward on your journey.

   Have you ever stood in the wet sand just in front of breaking ocean waves? Your feet get buried beneath the sand and with each oncoming wave they go deeper and deeper into the grainy earth. You would think that as each foamy wave washes against your legs and covers your feet that they would become free and mobile, but not so. Each wave only makes your feet sink deeper, rooting your body to one place. Instead of waiting, hoping, and praying for outside forces (or people) to free you, begin to move the sand off your feet which holds you down. Nothing changes until you lift up your feet and move forward. Once you allow your Self to shine and move toward attempting the first creative steps, your journey through recovery will lead you to the gifts you were meant to share.

"Inspirational Cards"

Click on the White Buddha,
he will receive your questions and help guide you on your journey.

Hold a thought or question in your mind...

All text on the cards is taken from my book, An Inspirational Guide for the Recovering Soul. Visit this book's web page for the details of this 300 page book filled with inspiration and insight.

The photographs were taken by me personally.

The original artwork is from: Paula B. Slater, Dana L. Anderson, Natasha Troussova, and Cynthia Rose Young



Relax, take a deep breath...

Gentle Wisdom, by

Welcome dear adventurer! Stay awhile among the beauty, peace, and inspiration for your soul found on this page. I will change this page for updates of my thoughts and ideas to share along your journey through Recovery. Sometimes I will write excerpts from one of my books to help guide you toward the wholeness and self-empowerment you deserve. At other times, you might find a new article of inspiration directing you to take part in a special exercise or ritual we can share together. Come - enjoy the trip!

The bronze artwork displayed is from my sister's website, to receive more information on individual pieces please visit her web site: As you come upon each inspiring sculpture on this pathway, take a deep breath to clear your mind and open your heart. Beautiful Trainer by Paula SlaterThen as you proceed down the page allow yourself to feel the strength and Light within your soul. On this journey to healing and recovery, you always have the power of choice to start a new road or to continue on the path you have tread. Look deep into your Self and listen for the answers to your questions and know you can always "...enter the Now from wherever you are." (Elkhart Tolle)

Look deeply into your true-Self, the one that dwells deep inside. Your journey through recovery from whatever brings you to this page can be a clear active step toward lasting peace. However, this path requires your direct choice to move forward. If the butterfly does nothing to start the motion of flying, it stays earthbound in its cocoon. Take one small step in realizing your potential as a healthy whole co-creator of your life - begin a new project! Start a journal, paint a picture, make a photo album of your favorite places. Action brings results. Here's an excerpt from An Inspirational Guide for the Recovering Soul to help motivate you:
    In the early 1980s, one of the people I found myself admiring was actor/author Shirley MacLaine. Her book Out On A Limb was one of my favorite readings which I faithfully devoured then recommended to all my friends. Looking back on that period in my life, I now realize why Shirley was such an inspiration to me. It was her willingness to act. She was and is one of those courageous people who actually take the steps that pave the way for others. Her need to explore her inner-Self and share her findings, gave millions the 'go-ahead' to dive into their own journey's within. I was one of those who learned that without action, there is no actuality. Ms. MacLaine writes in Dancing In The Light, "Everything we feel, think, and act upon is interrelated with everything everyone else feels, thinks, and acts upon. We are all participating in the dance." It is time for you to dance your dance…[pg. 246]

Spiritual teacher Debbie Ford states that, "Resisting our present reality will not bring us any closer to our desired reality. In fact, resistance is the glue that keeps us stuck in the very circumstances we most want to change." If you are currently reading these words, it is time for you to choose an action to take you one step closer to who you are becoming. Bronze Budda, by Paula SlaterMs. Ford goes on to tell us to surrender our resistance and allow a natural flow to unfold: "Surrender requires us to give up our attachment to how we think our lives should look. It means we have to give up our need to control the situation and resign as General Manager of the Universe. And ironically, as soon as we no longer need things to be different, they begin to show up differently. Surrendering our resistance is like opening a door to another level of consciousness where serenity and ease reside."

Perhaps this is the time to challenge yourself to find one gift - one talent - you have been resisting to manifest. Perhaps the first action to realize your true path of recovery is within this creative action. Imagine that merely making but one choice toward creating something unique for yourself will lead you on a silent path of inward reflection. Allow God/Goddess to emerge from your soul and take that initial step toward healing and recovery.

Heart Constellation

Artwork courtesy of and copyright by Daniel B. Holeman,
who invites you to visit his Visionary Art Gallery


I hope you have enjoyed this inspirational page! Please feel free to visit anytime. In the meantime, join me and leave your comments on my Blog below where I am introducing my newest book titled The Pact: Messages from the Other Side. This book is spiritual memoir with channeled words from my departed husband.

"The Pact takes the reader on an adventure through time while weaving tales of love and determination. A vow between two souls finds us tracing the steps of present and past lifetimes devoted to uncovering the mysterious cycles of life, birth, death, and rebirth. Join the author as she searches with her departed husband revealing their souls’ explorations through time and space. The Pact is a fascinating mixture of memoir accounts and lifetime narratives reconstructed to allow the reader a glimpse into the metaphysics of life."


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